Warning…Stop Eating Tilapia ASAP Before It’s Too Late

Warning…Stop Eating Tilapia ASAP Before It’s Too Late

Health experts constantly suggest us to increase the fish intake in our diet, for fish meat is easy to digest and contains fatty omega acids that are considered extremely beneficial for the body. However, not all fish fulfill this criterion. Namely, tilapia in particular, is a far cry from any regular fish that you would eat.

It is a white fish, mild in taste, extremely cheap to breed and apparently sells amazingly, probably due to its low price. Tilapia is easy to cook, and as it is boneless and skinless, numerous people really enjoy in its consumption.

However, its consumption is at times a seriously problematic issue. Namely, the majority of the Tilapia is not grown in natural conditions, but is cultivated in factory farms instead. In opposite to Wild Tilapia which eats algae and plants, the tilapia we buy in stores comes from factory farms, where it consumes different kinds of feeds and fertilizers.

Additionally, fish farms can use a whole lot of chemicals to keep Tilapia alive and breed them. Factory farm- bred Tilapia is often fed a diet of corn and soy which is available in bulk quantities, thus making tilapia breeding a cost effective exercise.

Since a lot of chemicals are used during their farming, these same harmful substances can end up in our body when we consume this fish. Farm bred fish do not provide the required nutrients one normally gets from eating fish.

Consequently, the consumption of farm- bred tilapia can cause numerous harmful effects to the body, like coronary disease, asthma and joint inflammation. Farm bred tilapia even contains a cancer- causing agent, known as Carcinogenic.

Therefore, if you want to maintain your good health and avoid potential detrimental effects, you should eliminate tilapia from your regular diet, as it brings more harm than benefit to your body.

Source/Reference: www.mrhealthylife.com
Other included sources linked in Mr. Healthy Life’s article: water and woods -- Original Article Source

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