When this teenage girl told her boyfriend that she was pregnant, she was forced to do this! Shocking!

When this teenage girl told her boyfriend that she was pregnant, she was forced to do this! Shocking!

More teenagers are becoming impulsive with their decisions and actions. They tend to satisfy their flesh without even thinking about the possible consequences and outcomes of their actions.

As a result, the number of teenage girls becoming pregnant is rampantly increasing. Because of their carelessness, they likely regret what they have done at the end.

This is proven by another true to life story which involves a young couple who decided to have premarital sex. The boyfriend was the one who forced her to do it and she gave in.

When she became pregnant and told her boyfriend about it, she didn't expect his answer. The boyfriend claims that he was not yet ready for the responsibility and so, he gave a medicine to her which will abort the baby.

Watch the full video below and see what happened!

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