Daughter of Jessa Zaragosa and Dingdong Avanzado is really talented and stunning!

Daughter of Jessa Zaragosa and Dingdong Avanzado is really talented and stunning!

Jessa Zaragosa and Dingdong Avanzado are one of the best OPM singers in their time. Forunately, their daughter was able to inherit the love and talent in singing.

But being the daughter of famous hit makers, so much pressure is given to their daughter named Jayda Avanzado. Many are expecting that she will also establish a name in the music industry.

But Jayda has a way of dealing with all the pressure and expectations given to her. She claims, "There is a certain amount of pressure, like with people whose expectations of me are quite high. But it's what motivates me to strive harder to hone my skills."

She is still looking for her own style in singing and exerting effort to improve her skills.

"I am actually on the process of developing it [style], but I am adding a few things like a bit of Christina Aguilera, Ariana Grande, Beyonce, my mom, my dad," she said.
Source: ExtremeReaders, TrendingNewsPortal

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