Ancient Homemade Syrup That Removes Phlegm From The Lungs and Cures Cough!

Ancient Homemade Syrup That Removes Phlegm From The Lungs and Cures Cough!

Cough is the second association to winter, right next to snow. If you are oftentimes bothered with cough and excess mucus, our homemade remedy will sure do you good. It is safe for both adults and children.

Carrots are rich in antioxidants, and this root veggie is amazing for diabetics and those who deal with hypertension. Always opt for fresh carrot juice instead of eating the vegetable raw, because juices have a higher nutrient concentration.

What makes carrots so great for you?

Immunity boost and cardiovascular health
Decreased cholesterol
Cancer prevention
Acne-free skin
High vitamin content (these vitamins are great for your skin!)
Calcium abundance
Improved digestion
Syrup recipe


1/2 kg carrots
3-4 tbsp organic honey

Peel and cut your carrots into chunks. Boil until soft and turn off your gas. Strain the carrots and preserve the liquid they cooked in. Mash your carrot chunks or let the blender do its job here.

Stir 3-4 tablespoons of honey into the water your cooked the carrots in, then add your carrot purée. That is your homemade cough syrup all done. Store it in cold place.


Take 3-4 tablespoons of the remedy. You should feel better within a day or two.

This ancient recipe will help you eliminate that stubborn mucus from your lungs and relieve your cough.


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